Saturday, July 2, 2011

Nothing is True...

Nothing is True, Everything is Possible, The leader of the Assassins made a huge point of this when he had servants who were willing to jump from cliffs, of course because he created the illusion of heaven for them before hand. The thing is we all believe in things that aren't necessarily real. Its not that we have separate realities its that we have separate experiences which filter our perceptions. I have come to a point where I can see where anyone is right and anyone is wrong at any given moment. When I was younger I was raised baptist, I used to have dreams of the world ending, one in particular was one where I was at the door to my house and was told god was coming, then a great blue lightning covered bearded face that was translucent came through the door, threw me to the ground, and was intoning AHHHHHH like a buddhist monk, at the time I thought god was showing me my life had a powerful purpose for the end times, I was a christian child at the time, when I was into the occult as a teenager I thought it was a wise spirit or merlin or maybe even zeus imbuing me with power, when I was into kabbalah in my later years I thought it was an angel or maybe even the voice of god speaking to me in retrospect. Today I realize through contemplation that we watched the movie ten commandments alot with charlseton heston, and thats exactly what the face was. I have done some pretty supernatural shit in my life, however I have also chosen to believe in some fairly outlandish shit because of coincidences. Some of you will say there is no such thing as a coincidence, you're idiots. Of course there is, there is tons of meaningless shit in the world it only has meaning because we want it to, and you're idea of meaning might be different than someone elses doesn't make it right or wrong just different. there is no right or wrong good or evil, unless it is within the filter or illusion of social interaction. Nothing is true except for, cause and effect, if I light a match and throw it in the right order of wood I get a fire, I can do this without question in front of any person, even if someone came up to me and didn't belive in fire I could do this, I guess this rant for anyone who reads it is to say, let go of your daydreams for a second, your distractions, and do something that actually has an affect instead of something that makes you forget whats really going on, if you can't prove something don't spout off with your theories and ideas as if they are actualized, and finally, just because someones moral compass spins differently than yours doesn't make them worse than you, its just different thats all, if more people spent time trying to problem solve instead of bitching or protesting or whatever the fuck people do on the fringe these days, we might actually see some change in the world. Let go of false ideas, if you can't prove your power or magick, then stop talking about it, if you haven't made a breakthrough with years of protest or petitioning, look for another option, and above all else, if it seems like nothing is going to change, then change yourself there is always that option. Being poor is a choice, it might not seem that way but you've obviously duped yourself into believing that it is if you think this statement is wrong, Unless you are locked in a cell you still have the freedom to choose, the only thing that could stop anyone from anything is ignorance, learning is always an option, but above all else you do have the ability to create new illusions there is that option too, those of you that truly know me might see the actuality of my statements because of who I am and where I have been, those of you that think you know me however most likely think I am being a pretentious ass, those of you that really know the world, just see it as another piece of something that just,
it is what it is...

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